One of the key measure of a successful nation it to measure; to what is the nation, the families, and community are concerned about the next generation – this means children. The rightful place where a child is expected to grow and develop is in the hands of loving and caring parents – the home. This means parental knowledge on child development and parenting skills is critical in having a strong nation. The early years 0-6 form the foundation of human being. Just like building a storey building, if the foundation is done poorly the cost of frequent repair of the building is very high as compared to the actual cost of doing quality work during foundation laying. The first six years are critical especially on Brain development. Intentional investment in Early years of a child is an investment to the nation and will have multiple positive outcomes. This goes equally opposite that inadequate investment during Early child hood, will have negative effects and the cost of running interventions is seven times costly than running quality ECD.
Examine the diagram below and discuss the following questions.
Where is the investment going most? Where are families investing? What about Organizations and other institutions?

Stunting is number one enemy of a strong nation in the future.
Discuss amongst yourselves on;
Which organizations are doing interventions on stunting?
What could be done to address stunting?
What was the last research finding about the stunting prevalence in Tanzania among children?
What are you going to do to fight against stunting among children (not when you finish but from now)?
The government of Tanzania has worked on a document to guide parents and child workers on brain stimulation during child up-bringing. Refer to Malezi Changamshi booklet by MCDGCi


16. For the purposes of this Act, a child is in need of care and protection if that child -
(a) is an orphan or is abandoned by his relatives;
(b) has been neglected or ill-treated by the person who has the care and custody of the child or by his guardian or parents;
(c) has a parent or guardian who does not exercise proper guardianship;
(d) is a destitute;
(e) is under the care of a parent or guardian who, by reason of criminal or drunken habits, is unfit to have the care of the child;
(f) is wandering and has no home or settled place of abode;
(g) is begging or receiving alms, whether or not there is any pretence of singing, playing, performing, offering anything for sale or otherwise, or is found in any street, premises or place for the purpose of begging or receiving alms;
(h) accompanies any person when that person is begging or receiving alms, whether or not there is any
pretence of singing, playing, performing, offering anything for sale or otherwise;
(i) is under a care of a destitute parent;
(j) frequents the company of any reputed criminal or prostitute;
(k) is residing in a house or the part of a house used by any prostitute for the purpose of prostitution, or is otherwise living in circumstances calculated to cause, encourage or favour the seduction or  prostitution of, or affect the morality of the child;
(1) is a person in relation to whom an offence has been committed or attempted under the Anti Trafficking of Persons Act; Child protection Care order of court to be of benefit to a child
Law of the Child
(m) is found acting in a manner from which it is reasonable to suspect that he is, or has been, soliciting or importuning for immoral purposes;
(n) is below the age of criminal responsibility and is involved in an offence other than a minor criminal
(0) is otherwise exposed to moral or physical danger;
(p) is under a care of a person with disability and such disability hinders such person from exercising proper care or guardianship; or (q) in any other environment as the Commissioner may determine.

(A paragraph – in the
1. NGOs and CBOs, Religious Organizations roles
2. Responsibilities/Functions of child Caregivers in Center Based care programs
3. Training and certification of Child Care services
4. Certificate Programs
5. Degree Programs
6. Masters Programs
Should we have baby sitters (Full time or part time)?
A story of baby sitter – A teacher - Sullivan to Hellen Keller
Child Care refers to the care given to children by a person other than the parents during the parts of the day when parents are away. When both parents are working, child care begins very early – immediately after birth. This goes on to school age until children are able to take care by themselves.
What percentage of children in Tanzania do you think they spend time with non-parent caregivers during part of the day?

NB; One of the critical challenge for school age children is when they get out from school, go home and stay by themselves. Unsupervised children tend to lose focus and life skills of personal management.
How does Child Care affect Child’s Development?
Due to the rising cost of living both parents are employed and some have to leave home and leave their children either in day care centers or in their homes with caregivers.

HOME; At home, the family may hire a baby sitter, relative or a nanny (a nanny is someone trained on child care)
A quality child care involves the following;
A caregiver who provides warm loving care
A care giver who provides guidance to the child
A care giver who works with the family to ensure the child develops in the best possible way
Ensures the child is kept safe secure and healthy
A care giver who provides developmental activities for the child to develop; emotionally, cognitively physically and morally
In US a person designated as caregiver his/her finger printers are taken to police to ensure cross checking of the person dealing with children. (Bern, 2001)
What is the practice in Tanzania?
What Terminologies are used to describe Early Childhood Programs?
Nursery school
Early childhood education
Child Development Programs
Child care programs begun 1915 as a place to support mothers participate in children play and help children control their impulse. From 1960s the care programs added new features of Brain stimulation. Day care schools are meant to prepare a generation for better learning, critical thinking and innovation. It’s a means to eradicate poverty as you rise well developed generation. Parental involvement is critical in order to ensure parenting grows as the child grows. An ideal Day care center must have parental sessions where they are equipped on parenting skills.

Assignment 1a
A Visit to a Day care center;
What is the vision of the Day care center you visited?
Identify Intervention aspects which address Physical, Social Emotional Cognitive and Moral Development. Get the selection criteria of those handling children. Observe children engagement for a couple of minutes. Develop your philosophy of what seem to run the day care center. What are some of the deductions?
Using the Quality components grade the center you visited

The history of day care center goes back to 1933 when US government begun to expand home care into public day care centers as a means to alleviate depression in those times. After World War II more daycare centers were started while mothers got involved in public support.
In late 1950s and early 1960s US and Russia got into heaver investment of public funds in Day care centers which were named Head Start. The government aims at preparing children ready for learning when the get into school. Researches have revealed that Early Interventions are more beneficially and cheaper and then later interventions which are aimed at correcting learning deficiency (Bloom, 1964; Hun, 1961)
Case in US (1960s); Both Science and Politics came into consensus about Early Child Hood interventions.
Science; Brain Development science and the impact of stimulation in early childhood in rising well developed children ready to learn and be creative
Politics; A belief that Education is the solution to ending poverty; Hence investment in Education will lead to greater economic opportunities and advancement.

Quality can be a subjective terminology. Hence in order to establish whether a day care service of low or high quality – there has to be a list of criteria which one would use as a yard stick.
Given the sensitivity of Children in Early Child hood, enhancement or damage can take place in Day care services. A research study by Rupp, Travers, Glants and Goden, 1979 indicated that a quality day care will be measured on three major aspects;
1. The size of the overall Group
2. The Caregiver Child Ratio
3. Whether the caregiver has had a specialized training on child development or Early Child hood.
Quality care;

Small number of children
Trained Caregivers
These two led to meaningful social interactions with children. This caused children to be more cooperative, more involved in Tasks, more talkative, and more creative. They also made greater gains on cognitive tasks.
These findings confirmed the later findings on the same subject by Hofferth, 1992; NICHD, 1996; Phillips,
Objective features of Child Care setting – used to Measure Quality;
Each Day of a Child’s life is viewed as leading towards growth and development of healthy, Intelligent and contributing member of the society.


Number of staff
Child staff Ratio
Children of age 0-12 months ; one group has to have 6-8 children with an adult ration of 1:3 to 1:4

For children of ages 4-5 years the standard is 16 – 20 children in a group with an adult ration of 1:8 to 1: 10
Physical Environment
Place for indoor and outdoor activities

(Human Resource)
Certification - Quality
Remunerations – are they well compensated
Turnover rate – what is the frequency of change
Children need stability of an adult whom they will develop attachment and this enhances development.
High turnover leads to retardation in development as children keep adapting to new people.
Safety of children

Developmental Outcome of children in the Day care centers
Cooperative play
Ability to resolve conflicts
Language development
Cognitive development
Gross and Fine motor skills
Results to Parents
Satisfaction of the parent on the quality of services
Coaching on parenting received at the center
Parents able to concentrate on work while child is taken care at the center
Nutrition and health Services

Sensitivity of the caregiver
Responsiveness of the adult caregiver to the child

In Home care;
This is a critical area which needs intentional investment.
Training all baby sitters who help take care of children at home while parents are at work.
Reference check with Police
Establishing high code of conduct
Providing conferences ongoing workshops and news letters to families

Since non parental child care has become a fact of life the questions also keep changing.
Initially questions were; is Day care helpful harmful?  The relevant question for now is;
What kind of child care is most supportive of children and families?

Child caring at this age has become a collaborative endeavor with children moving back and forth between their homes and child care. The Mesosystem links may be supportive, competitive or neutral.
What are Parents expectations for preschoolers? This also defers from one group of parents to others.
Learning how to get along with others
Exploring the environment
Dealing with feelings

Focus on academic skills; such as Reading and mathematics

NB; Mother to child relationship is critical to the child’s development and adult behavior.
Compare children raised in a fondling home where a caregiver had eight infants and children raised by mentally retarded mothers and those mothers in Prison. Which group of children do you think developed normally as compared to the other?
Babies who do not receive one on one care are at risk for psychological and developmental Problems.
According to Bowlby1973, maternal love and care are the most important influences on the future development of the infant. He concluded; any break in the early mother-child relationship could have severe emotional social and intellectual consequences. (Any Break= death, separation due to hospitalization of mother, employment, neglect) This could lead to depression, physical and mental retardation. 30 years later – a study by Harold Skeel (1966) revealed that it is the quality of care (nurture) that affects child development and not the relationship (nature). Skeels conducted a study of 25 infants who were institutionalized because they were deemed mentally retarded.

GROUP A – 13 Infants
Separation into two Groups
Transferred to an institution of retarded women. These infants were loved and adopted and cared for by the residents of this institution – the retarded mothers
Remained in the same place
Measure development after two years
Gained an average of 28.5 points on IQ test
Lost an average of 26.2 points on IQ test
30 Years Later
Skeel did a Follow-up
12 out of 13 had been adopted in normal families
All 12 had achieved an education
They were self-supporting with their own jobs
They were responsible adults
They had families
Their own children had average IQ
4 out of 11 were still in institutions for retarded people
One was vagrant (nomadic, wondering)
One was an assistant gardener in an institution
Three were dishwashers
One was part time worker in a cafeteria
One was domestic worker

Infants need a caring primary caregiver for them to develop normally. In the absence of the mother, care and nurturance can be provided by another person who takes up mother’s role – becomes the primary care giver.
From skeels study early interventions can greatly reverse children development patterns. This brings hope that infants and children who do not have biological parents could develop normally if given the primary caregiver so that they become an asset to the society and not a burden.

While Selma Freiberg, 1977 advocates that mothering is the child’s basic right and that governments should work to support mothers in child upbringing instead of having early childhood institutions, it is a fact that some children will grow without their biological mother. Hence a primary caregiver who is distinguished by the child as being the closed person, whom the child can run to for security – is very critical.
In conclusion; Attachment to the Primary caregiver is foundational and important to all other forms of relationships. Primary caregiver provided a safety rock for the child to run to.
Generally – several studies on the impact of day care centers and preschools indicate positive developmental milestones to children as compared to those who stay at home till school age.


Socially Competent
Less fearful
More assertive
More self sufficient
Know more about social world – e.g. gender roles
Able to take perspective of others
Problem solving skills
Less polite
Less respectful to others
Less compliant with adult demands
More aggressive and hostile to others
( Clarke-Stewart, 1989; Clarke – Stewart, Allhusen&Clements, 1995; Lam, 1998)
Day Care and Cognitive Development
Generally children from Day care institutions demonstrate higher intellectual performance as compared to those who do not attend. They are more interactive and verbally expressive. However this performance and difference in some children can be seen till secondary level while others – especially from challenged family background- they did not maintain the higher performance acquired in Day care center.

Attachment is the strong Affectional tie we feel for special people in our lives that leads us to feel


1) Knowledge of each child; name, family background, temperament, health status, emotional status
2) Good Interpersonal relationship with parents to support them in key aspects of child development including;
Immunization calendar
Brain stimulating home environment at home
Role of play
Child Protection
Socioemotional support at home
Provision of nutritious food and clean and safe water
Helping the child with routines and
Training the child on Toilet
Literacy preparation of the child
Child spacing and meals planning
3) Measuring and tracking Development milestones for the child
4) Counselling skills
5) Environmental care and enrichment to suite ECD
6) Hygiene, order and cleanliness
7) Ensure compliancy to The Law of Child Act 2009
8) Demonstrates commitment to care and developmental interactions with children

The awareness of the Ecological Systems Theory helps the child caregiver to value and utilize the rest of the players in child development journey.
Ecological system theory views a child as developing within a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of surrounding environment Urie Bronfenbrenner (1998) characterizes this as bioecological model. In this model the child’s biological disposition joins with environmental forces to mold development.
Environment is viewed as a series of nested structures that includes but extends beyond home, school and neighborhood settings.ii
Ecological System theory Labelling of Levels of Environment
What it entails
The Microsystem
This s the inner cycle. It includes the child’s immediate surrounding.
All relationships are bidirectional and reciprocal. As these relationships endure – they have a developmental impact in child’s life
Harmony in the family enhances development while conflicts in the home jeopardises development which lead to inconsistent discipling, hostile reaction towards the child and in response children become hostile and their adjustment suffers.
Having a consistent primary caregiver is a supportive mechanism.

The Mesosystem
Child Rearing support are needed in order to child to develop well.The second level of environment is known as Mesosystem. It embraces connections between microsystems;
Such as ; Home, school – neighborhood-day care center, fosters child development.

The Exosystem
Exosystem refers to the social setting that do not contain the children but affects their development. These include;
Parent workplace
Health welfare services for example;
Flexible working hours
Paid Maternity and Paternity leave, sick leave; All these indirectly influences child Development.
Exosystem can also be informal – like parents social network, friends, extended family
Breakdown of Exosysme has negative impact on child development
The Macrosystem
This is not a specific level but it contains Cultural Values, laws, customs, and resources. The support and priority  provided at Macrosystem affects what the child receives at Microsystem.
Example – If the Government requires high quality Day care and preschool centers, then it will help children develop well as they get into day care centers of high quality.
An ever changing Environment

Environment is not a static force which affect people equally but rather it is a dynamic system which keeps changing and affect different people differently

Conclusion; Development is neither controlled by environmental circumstances nor driven by inner disposition. Instead children are both products and procedures of their own environment, both of which forms a network of interdependenteffects
Additional Assignment;
How does a young child influence the caregiver or the parent?
How do you describe resilience of some children who pass through challenging experiences yet they bounce back and make it in life?
Where are the organizations in the model above?
Are the organizations doing child development enrichment or intervention?
Reference is made to Table 1.5 Page 31 ; Berk Laura 1999
Psychoanalytic Perspective
Relations among structure of the mind (id, ego, and super ego) determine personality
Stages of psychosexual and psychosocial are emphasized
Both Nature and nurture;
Innate impulses are channeled and controlled through social experiences. Early experiences set the course of later experiences.
Behaviorism and Social Learning Theory
The person consist f connections established between stimulus inputs and behavioral responses
Quantitative increase in learned behavior occur with age
Emphasis on Nurture;
Learning principles of conditioning and modelling determine development. Both early and later experiences are important
Piaget Cognitive Development Theory
Psychological structures determine the child’s understanding of the word. The child actively constructs knowledge.

Stages of Cognitive Development are emphasized
Both Nature and Nurture; Children’s innate drive to discover reality is emphasized; However it must be supported by a rich stimulating environment. Both early and later experiences are important.
Information Processing
Both Organismic and Mechanistic;
Active processing structure combines with mechanistic computer like model of stimulus input.
Continuous ;
A quantitative increase of perception, attention, memory and problem solving skills takes place with age
Both Nature and Nurture ;
Maturation and learning opportunities affect information processing skills. Both early and later experiences are important
The individual is biologically prepared with social signals that actively promote survival. Over time psychological structures develop that underlie attachment and other adaptive behavior.
Both Continuous and discontinuous;
Adaptive behaviors increase in quantity over time. But sensitive period – restricted time period in which qualitative distinct capacities emerge fairy suddenly- are also emphasized.
Both Nature and Nurture ;
Biologically Base, evolved behavior are stressed but an appropriate stimulating environment is necessary to elicit them. Also learning can improve the adaptiveness of behavior. Early experiences set the course for later experiences.
Ecological System Theory
Children’s personality characteristics and capacities actively contribute to their development
Not specified
Both Nature and Nurture;
Children’s characteristics and reactions of others affect each other in bidirectional fashion. Layers of environment influences child rearing experiences. Both early and later experiences are important.
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural theories
Children internalize features of social dialogue forming psychological structures that they use to guide their ow behavior
Continuous; Interaction with more experts members of society lead to step by step changes in thought and behavior.
Both Nature and Nurture; Maturation and opportunities to interact with more expert members of the society affect the development of psychological structures and culturally adaptive skills. Both early and later experiences are important.

Dynamic Systems perspective
Children actively reorganize their behavior, yielding a more complex and effective dynamic system
Changes in the system is always ongoing. Wide variation in the child’s skills leads development to resemble a web of fibers branching out in many directions.
Both Nature and Nurture;
The child’s mind body and physical and social surroundings form an integrated system that guides mastery f new skills. Both yearly and later experiences are important.


Some care services provide compensation in development of children rather than enrichment. However in now days – for some segment of the population – it is an enhancement.
Compensation- making amend for what is lacking.
Intervention Programs try to make up for what is perceived as academic, physical, and social disadvantages of children who come from low socioeconomic families, or are disables or have been abused.
Despite the many intervention modalities, Researchers have come to an agreement that; In order to enable the child become a competent member of the society, the child’s family must be involved.

Therefore the best intervention in ECD – is the one that promotes, reinforces and supports the family as the best rearing system for all children including ECD. Having family support systems which help families access health and education services in a low cost is more development and appropriate for child development.
Assignment 1b
From the above eight theories n on child development, which theories support Organization /institutional Interventions in ECD.
Do families have time to check children exercise books and help them finish homework?
Differentiate a child who is supported by a tuition teacher to do the homework and a child who is supported by a parent.
Is there a correlation between Parents education level and child’s academic performance? Support your argument.
At the exosystemic level, what is already provided by Government in order to support families in providing good and quality care to their children?
Describe the role of mother in early child hood in the working class.
What are the upcoming patterns in our society?
What threats and advantages do we see coming as both parents become a working force that leave early in the morning and comes back in the evening?
What are the risks facing latchkey children (Children who after school stay by themselves while parents are at work)?
How does   Child Care affect community economy?
Draw a circle and apportion percentages indicating who is watching the children in your respective community where you come from.

What is the percentage for each of those who stay with children in your society?
Day care center
Baby sitter at home
Church /mosque
No one


Age at entry into Day care
Security of attachment to mothers
Socio economic status
Family structure (single, step, extended, nuclear)
Parental education level
Mother employment status –
Mother’s attitude towards work
Mother’s attitude towards child care
Mother’s sensitivity and responsiveness
Parental relationships between themselves
Roles of parents
Parenting style
Social support
See qualities of day care center above

All NGOs and CBOs exist to support the government reach the desired goal and vision. Tanzania stands for children and is guided by this policy.
 “A child shall have a right of opinion and no person shall deprive a child capable of forming views the right to express an opinion, to be listened to and to participate in decision which affect his well- being” (Law of Child Act 2009)

Assignment 2

Creating a compelling ECD Vision statement which you can articulate it in Media for 30 seconds and every Tanzania will go for it. Do this in your Discussion groups
NGO’s Coordination Division; (Taken From – Online page of the MCDGC)

The NGOs Coordination Division was established in 2006 under the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children. Before that, the NGOs Coordination was a Unit under Vice President Office. The Division is divided into two parts namely the Registration of NGOs Section and the NGOs Coordination and Monitoring Section.
The Director of NGOs Coordination Division is the head and Assistant Directors lead the Sections. According to the NGOs Act No. 24/ 2002 as amended in 2005, the Director is also the Registrar of NGOs in Tanzania Mainland. In view of the same Act, the Division is the Secretariat of the National NGOs Coordination Board. This Board is responsible for overseeing the NGOs Sector in Tanzania.

The Division also works closely with the National Council of NGOs which is the Self Regulatory Body of NGOs in the Country.

Vision of the Division:
NGOs operate freely and effectively contribute to social and economic development of the Tanzanian society

To facilitate effective NGOs participation in social and economic development and transformation of the country

To create an enabling environment for the NGOs to operate effectively and efficiently in the social and economic transformation of the country

Responsibility and Functions:; Extracted from Ministry Website
The Division is responsible for Registration of NGOs and Coordination and Monitoring of NGOs: The specific functions include:
(i) To prepare, review and supervise the implementation of National NGOs Policy, laws, regulations and guidelines on NGOs;
(ii) To prepare and implement public awareness raising programs on National NGOs Policy of 2001 and the NGOs Act, No. 24 of 2002;
(iii) To facilitate the National Council of NGOs to develop and implement NGOs Code of Conduct for NGOs Self Regulation;
(iv) To coordinate the signing of Agreements of Cooperation Between International NGOs and the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania;
(v) To review the applications for Certificate of NGOs Registration and Compliance from international, national, regional and district levels;
(vi) To prepare and submit proposals for registration and de-registration of NGOs to the National NGOs Coordination Board
(vii) To prepare and submit to the Board reports on the implementation of the National NGOs Policy of 2001, NGOs Act No. 24 of 2002 and guidelines for approval , decision making and advice;
(viii) To facilitate partnership between NGOs and other institutions at district, regional and national levels.
(ix) To facilitate the Regional and District NGOs Assistant Registrars to effective facilitate registration and coordination of NGOs at their respective levels;
(x) To maintain and update the National NGOs Coordination Database and the National Coordination website
(xi) To ensure NGOs programs reach the beneficiaries
(xii) To liaison with sectoral Ministries and NGOs for purpose of identifying NGOs contribution to social and economic development
(xiii) To monitor and evaluate NGOs activities
(xiv) To collect, analyze and provide information on Sources for NGOs’ Financial resources and Technical support

Services Provided by Department:
The Ministry through the Division provides NGOs Registration Services (end of extract from the ministry)

TZ Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) AND Community based Organizations (CBOs)
Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children – is the umbrella for all NGOs doing interventions in TZ for children.
Children in crossfire
Baraza la watoto la Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania
Plan International
Save The Children
CCR – CAUCUS FOR Children’s Rights
Compassion International
World Vision
Watoto Salama
Bring Changes
Building Capacity Worldwide
SOS Children’s Village
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation
Watoto Salama
TADEPA- Maendeleo na Ushauri Nasaha
Children’s Dignity Forum
Femina HIP

Children participation through an Advocacy Group known as Children Agenda- expressed ten areas for the government and non-government organizations they should consider to invest.
1. Invest to save the lives of children and women
2. Invest in good Nutrition
3. Invest in better Hygiene, sanitation and water supply in schools and health centers/facilities
4. Invest in Early Child Hood Development
5. Invest in Quality Education for all
6. Invest to make schools safe
7. Invest to prevent HIV and AIDS in infants and adolescent girls
8. Invest to reduce teenage pregnancy
9. Invest to protect children from violence, abuse and exploitation
10. Invest in children with Disabilities

Invest in Early Child Hood Development

Two years of Pre-primary education for ages five and six is part of Formal Education system
The government has put a ratio of 1 teacher to a maximum of 25 pupils
Research finding – by BEST - 42% of ECD children were enrolled in Pre Primary classes.(2011)
In 2012 it dropped to 40%.
1,034,729 children were enrolled in Pre Primary classes. This population needed 41,389.16 Teachers. However the study found out that there were only 9,352 teachers (22.5% of the actual teachers needed) with a ratio of 124 preschoolers in one class.

A research on Quality of all Pre-Primary classrooms – not included in this lesson
This coallision of all NGOs and CBOs working on matters related to children, came-up with the first strategy  2012 – 2015. Main focus areas were;

1. Building capacity and strengthening the coalition for child rights advocacy among civil society partners
2. Establishing child rights partnerships with Parliamentarians, Councilors and other key influencers including religious leaders.
3. Building capacity and establishing partnerships for child rights with the mass media
4. Strengthening and expanding opportunities for sustainable, quality participation of children as advocates for their rights.
Today is two years later and an updated strategy for this current period could not be obtained.
What has been the focus of Children Agenda in relation to Early Childhood? See the five points below
Invest in Early Childhood Development

Early childhood programs are at the forefront in the fight against poverty. Children from the poorest communities are at greater risk of disease and malnutrition and do less well in school. Early childhood programs focused on the poorest families help parents to provide a better start for their children and help close the gap between rich and poor.
 Investments in early childhood give a seven-fold return and are much more cost-efficient than investing in remedial programmes later in a child’s life.
Parents in the poorest communities should get the help they need to make sure their children get the best start in life. Support for community-based parenting and early childhood development programs will help ensure children grow up healthy, well-nourished and well-prepared for school.
Early childhood development should be included in the teacher education curriculum. A national in-service training program for early childhood development practitioners should be established. Priority in training should be given to those working in the poorest communities.
Local committees should be established at district and ward level that will monitor the availability and help improve the quality of early childhood development centers.
Assignment 3
Form your opinion what should be should be the major focus of the government of Tanzania regarding maximizing the early years of Human Development?
Visit the Website of Ministry of Community Development, Gender Children and elderly; Navigate through the website. Search for all matters related to children affairs.
What would you advise the government to add to this website which is related to Early Child hood? How can we contribute in a special way to this website as key stakeholders?
MCDGC – Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children - Tanzania






-Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii.

·         Kuhamasisha watoto kupata chanjo za msingi.
·         Kutekeleza programu za Maendeleo ya awali ya mtoto
·         kuelimisha Jamii kuhusu umuhimu wa kuwapeleka wajawazito katika vituo vya afya

-Wizara ya Elimu na Mafunzo ya Ufundi.

·         Kuboresha Elimu ya msingi na sekondari kwa kusisitiza usawa wa jinsia na upatikanaji wa haki kwa Watoto wote.
·         Kutekeleza programu mbalimbali za uhai, ulinzi na maendeleo ya mtoto.
·         Kutekeleza programu mbalimbali za malezi, makuzi na maendeleo ya awali ya mtoto.
·         Kuhamasisha Jamii kuacha mila na desturi zinazoleta na madhara katika jamii.

-Wizara ya kazi,  Ajira na Maendeleo ya Vijana.

·         Kukomesha ajira zenye kuleta madhara kwa watoto.
·         Kutekeleza  programu mbalimbali za ushiriki wa watoto na vijana.
-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania  Bara

-Wizara ya Maendeleo ya Jamii, Jinsia na Watoto. Community Development Training Institute (CDTI),  Women Information Windows at FDCs.
·         Kuhamasisha Jamii kuacha mila na desturi zinazoleta na madhara katika jamii.
·         Kutoa elimu kwa jamii kuhusu madhara yawapatayo watoto wanaoishi mitaaani.
·         Kuelimisha familia na jamii kuhusu madhara ya ndoa za utotoni.
- Rungemba, Morogoro,  Mamtukuna.

-Wizara ya Kilimo, Chakula na Ushirika
·         Uhamasishaji  wa upatikanaji wa chakula katika shule za awali na msingi.
-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania  Bara

-Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu Tawala za Mikoa na Serikali za Mitaa (TAMISEMI)
·         Utekelezaji wa Sera ya Maendeleo ya Mtoto (2008).

·         Kutekeleza  programu mbalimbali za ushiriki wa watoto na vijana.

·         Kutekeleza programu mbalimbali za uhai, ulinzi na Maendeleo ya mtoto

·         Kutekeleza programu mbalimbali za Malezi, Makuzi na Maendeleo ya awali ya mtoto.
-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania  Bara kupitia Maafisa Maendeleo ya Jamii.

-Tanzania Communication Regulation Authority. (TCRA)

·         Kushirikiana katika kutoa taarifa kuhusu masuala kandamizi kwa mtoto hasa katika uanzishwaji wa Child Helpline Tanzania.
-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania  Bara

-Wizara ya Katiba na Sheria
·         Uandaaji wa sheria ya mtoto pamoja na utekelezaji wake.
·         Kutafsiri sheria mbalimbali zinomhusu mtoto katika lugha nyepesi.
·         Kutekeleza Mpango Mkakati wa kudhibiti tatizo la watoto wanaoishi mitaani.
-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania Bara

 -Wizara ya Habari, Utamaduni na Michezo.

·         Kuanzisha mtandao wa ushiriki wa watoto katika maamuzi yanayogusa haki na maslahi yao.

·         Kuendesha michezo na burudani mashuleni na mitaani ili kuwajenga watoto kiakili na kimwili
-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania  Bara

-Wizara ya Mambo ya Ndani ya Nchi
·         Kuzua ukatili dhidi ya Watoto kupitia Policce Gender Unit.
·         Uanzishwaji wa Child Help line Tanzania.
·         Kushirikiana na wajumbe wa Multisectoral Task Force (MSTF) ya kuzuia ukatili dhidi ya Watoto.
- Mikoa yote ya Tanzania  Bara

-Tume ya Haki za Binadamu na Utawala Bora

·         Kutafsiri sheria mbalimbali zinomhusu mtoto katika lugha nyepesi.

·         Kuhamasisha na Kusimamia utekelezaji wa haki za mtoto ili kuhakikisha ustawi wao.

-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania Bara

-Wizara ya Kazi, Mendeleo ya Vijana, Wanawake na Watoto

·         Kuandaa taarifa  za nchi za utekelezaji wa Mkataba wa Umoja wa Mataifa  wa Haki za Mtoto na Itifaki zake za Nyongeza  (The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – UN CRC).

·         Kuandaa taarifa  za nchi za
utekelezaji wa Mkataba wa Afrika Kuhusu Haki n aUstawi wa Mtoto  (The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child – ACRWC).

Tanzania Library Service
·         Kuelimisha jamii kuhusu masuala yanayohusu malezi na makuzi ya awali ya mtoto
Matawi sita

-Baraza la Kiswahili Taifa.

·         Kushirikiana  katika kutafsiri  sera ya maendeleo ya mtoto.
-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania Bara

Tanzania Library Service
·         Kuelimisha jamii kuhusu Sera ya Malezi, Makuzi na Maendeleo ya awali ya Mtoto

Matawi 16


-United Nations Children’s Funds (UNICEF)
·         Kutoa fedha  kwa ajili ya kuendesha masuala yanayohusu maendeleo ya mtoto na ustawi wake.

·         Kuelimisha jamii kuhusu umuhimu  wa lishe bora kwa watoto na kina mama wajawazito.
Wilaya saba za Tanzania Bara ambazo ni:
-Mtwara vijijini

-International Labour Organisation (ILO)
·         Kuelimisha Jamii kuhusu kuondoa tatizo la utumikishwaji wa watoto katika kazi za hatari.

·         Kuelimisha Jamii kuhusu kupiga vita ajira kwa watoto.

-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania Bara

-Tanzania Early Childhood Development Network (TECDEN)

·         Kushirikiana katika utekelezaji wa sera na programu kuhusu malezi na Maendeleo ya mtoto.

-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam

-National Network Operations Center (NNOC)
·         Kuwalinda watoto dhidi ya vitendo vya unyanyasaji.
-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam

-Tanzania Movement for and with Children (TMC)

·         Kutekeleza sera ya Maendeleo ya mtoto na ustawi wake.
-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam

-Save the Children
·         Kutekeleza program mbalimbali za ushiriki wa mtoto na vijana.
·         Kutekeleza progtamu mbalimbali za uhai, ulinzi na maendeleo ya mtoto.

·         Kushirikiana katika uanzishaji na uundaji wa Mabaraza ya Watoto ya Wilaya.
Wilaya tano za Tanzania Bara ambazo ni:
-Manispaa ya Arusha
- Ruangwa
-Same na Mkoa wa Pemba

-Plan International
·         Kutekeleza  programu mbalimbali za ushiriki wa watoto na vijana.

·         Kutekeleza programu mbalimbali za uhai, ulinzi na Maendeleo ya mtoto.

·         Kushirikiana katika mchakato wa uanzishwaji wa mtandao wa simu wa kutoa taarifa zinazohusu ukatili dhidi ya watoto (Tanzania Child Help Line – Tz CHL).
Wilaya tano za Tanzania Bara ambazo ni:

-World  Vision
·         Kutekeleza  programu mbalimbali za ushiriki wa watoto na vijana.

·         Kutekeleza programu mbalimbali za uhai, ulinzi na Maendeleo ya mtoto.

·         Kushirikiana katika uanzishaji na uundaji wa Mabaraza ya Watoto ya Wilaya.
-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania Bara

-African Chid Policy Forum
·         Kutekeleza programu mbalimbali za malezi, makuzi na Maendeleo ya awali ya mtoto.
-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam

-Right to Play
Kuendesha michezo na burudani mashuleni na mitaani ili kuwajenga watoto kiakili na kimwili.
-Mkoa wa Dar Es salaam

-International Organization for Migration  (IOM)
Kushirikiana katika kupiga vita vitendo vya unyanyasaji wa watoto.
-Mikoa ya Dar Es Salaam na Kigoma.

-PACT  Tanzania
·         Kutekeleza programu mbalimbali za uhai, ulinzi na Maendeleo ya mtoto.
-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam.

-Ms Training Center for Development Co operation (Ms TCDC)
·         Kutekeleza programu mbalimbali za malezi, makuzi na Maendeleo ya awali ya mtoto.
-Mikoa ya Dar Es Salaam na Arusha.


-Kiota Women and Health
Development (KIWOHEDE)

Kukomesha ajira mbaya ya watoto majumbani.

Kuandaa mpango wa utekelezaji wa kukomesha biashara ya ukahaba kwa watoto.
-Mikoa ya Dar Es Salaam na Mbeya.

-Child  in the Sun
Kutoa Elimu mbalimbali kuhusu masuala yanayohusu Maendeleo na ustawi wa mtoto hasa watoto wanaoishi mitaani.

 -Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam.

-Children in Cross Fire.

Kutoa elimu mbalimbali  kuhusu masuala yanayohusu Maendeleo na ustawi wa mtoto
-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam.

-Social Action Trust Fund

Kutoa misaada mbalimbali kwa mashirika ili kusaidia makundi  yasiyojiweza hasa wanawake na watoto.
-Mikoa ya Dar es Salaam, Arusha Unguja na Pemba.

-Dogodogo  Centre
Kuhamasisha utoaji wa malazi kwa watoto waishio katika mazingira magumu .

·         Kushirikiana katika uanzishaji na uundaji wa Mabaraza ya Watoto ya Wilaya.

Kutoa elimu mbalimbali kuhusu masuala yanayohusu Maendeleo na ustawi wa mtoto.
-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam.

-Legal and Human Rights Center (LHRC)

·         Kushirikiana katika kutokomeza vitendo vya ukeketaji na ukatili kwa ujumla
-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania Bara

-Children’s  Dignity Forum (CDF)
·         Kutekeleza  programu mbalimbali za ushiriki wa watoto na vijana.
-Mikoa ya Dar Es Salaam na Mwanza

-Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC)
Kuelimisha wazazi / walezi kulea watoto katika misingi bora.
-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam

-Anti Female Genital Mutilation Network (AFNET)
Kushirikiana katika kuhamasisha utokomezaji wa vitendo vya ukeketaji.
-Mkoa wa Dodoma

-Hope for Children
Kutoa elimu mbalimbali kwa watoto wanaoishi katika mazingira magumu.

-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam

-National Organization for Legal Assistance (NOLA)

·         Uandaaji wa sheria ya mtoto pamoja na utekelezaji wake.

Kutafsiri  sheria mbalimbali zinomhusu mtoto katika lugha nyepesi.

·         Kushirikiana katika mchakato wa uanzishwaji wa mtandao wa simu wa kutoa taarifa zinazohusu ukatili dhidi ya watoto (Tanzania Child Help Line – Tz CHL)

-Mkoa wa Dar Es salaam

-Family Health International
·         Kuelimisha jamii kuhusu masuala ya familia na kuwezesha makuzi ya mtoto
-Mkoa wa Dar Es salaam.



-Vyombo vya habari

Kutoa elimu mbalimbali  kuhusu masuala yanayohusu Maendeleo na Ustawi wa Mtoto .

Kuweka bayana wajibu wa familia na jamii katika malezi bora ya watoto.

Kutoa nafasi kwa watoto ili waweze kusikika na kushiriki.

Wakati wa maadhimisho ya siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika na uzinduzi wa programu mbalimbali za watoto.
-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania Bara

-Makampuni ya Simu
Kushirikiana wakati wa maadhimisho ya siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika.

-Mikoa yote ya Tanzania Bara


-Sweden International Development Agency (SIDA)
·         Kutoa elimu mbalimbali katika malezi, makuzi na Maendeleo ya awali ya mtoto.

·         Kutoa watalaam na fedha ili kuleta ufanisi katika masuala ya watoto.
-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam

-Convention on the Right of the
Children (CRC)
Kutoa dira na dhima kuhusu kuwapatia watoto haki zao za msingi.
-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam

-Africa Union (AU)
Kutoa dira na dhima kuhusu kuwapatia watoto haki zao za msingi.

-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam

-Southern Africa Development Community  (SADC)
Kuratibu na kuhamasisha Jamii kuzuia ukatili dhidi ya watoto.
-Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam

Indicate which organization is intervening in which level in the Ecological Theory
NGO Registration Procedures

Creating a Shared Vision on ECD

Child Policies

Assignment 4;
 Propose a National ECD Strategy which is truly practical and brings into consideration the true reality of most of Tanzanians.
As an advocate and champion for ECD, HOW CAN Tanzania utilize Media and arts to raise the awareness to every Tanzania on prioritizing children and investing in ECD which is cheaper than later interventions.
Analyze the facilities for children with specials needs in Tanzania. How would you advise the minister in charge of ECD on how to ensure every child with a special need receives needed attention and care? (Blindness, deaf, dumbness, various types of cripple, mental retardation and all forms of dyslexic
A case study of SOS
(Field work outcome)

What does a teacher learning on how to teach children in the age bracket of 0-6 Learn?

Learn on Pregnancy growth Stages

Brain Development and the impact of nurture on Brain development
Appropriate Breast feeding
Attachment and bonding
Cognitive, Physical, Social-Emotional and Moral Development

How to Teach Young children and making play materials
The Teaching and Learning Process in ECD
 Teaching and Learning Approaches
Classroom organization and Control
Professional docs in Teaching
Preparation of materials
Child assessment techniques

Focus on the key concepts;
Informal Teaching and Non formal teaching
Specific Subjects Training
Music and movement
Social studies
Creative activities; Crafts, Painting and drawing – fine art-work

Special care, Guidance and counselling
Child Protection
Identifying  children with disorders
Family in the picture
Children with special needs; handicapped, mental retardation, stress
Development and the use of tolls for children with special needs

Focused Interventions
Personality Development
Child Abuse identification and intervention skills
Parenting styles and its impact on child Development
Home injuries

Understanding of Key trends in ECD

Understand National philosophical guide

Understanding Milestones of growth and development
Use of tools to assess child growth and development
Preparing children to transition to school

Certificate, Dimploma, Degree, Masters Programs on ECD;
Diploma course; Some of the topics which are necessary – however institutions can contextualize and modify
1. Teaching Social studies for young children
2. General psychology
3. Religious education of young children – moral development
4. Genral methods of  teaching  young children
5. Material development as teaching aids for young children
6. Training young children on language proficiency
7. Teaching young children music and movement
8. Child Rights and Child Protection
9. Learning on creative activities sutable for children
10. Guidance and counsenlling in ECD
11. Children in need of special protection and attention
12. Learning approaches
13. Health and Nutrition care for young children
14. Child Growth and Development; Physical, Cognitive, Social Emotional and Moral development
15. Brain Development in the first years of life
16. Theories of child Development
17. The Role of context in Child Development (Culture, government e.t.c)
18. The Role of Family in ECD
19. Child up bring practices and types of Parenting
20. Government guiding philosophy on ECD

This is one module among many modules in your journey of becoming an Early Child Hood expert ad advocate. One of the critical software of development for a nation like Tanzania – is a serious attitude change on ECD and a focused and intentional investment in ECD as a long-term sustainable strategy for development. As a child development expert – you are expected to reach a level of assessing every Child focused NGO and CBOs on exactly what value is it offering to the true beneficiaries. As you continue with other modules – ensure you are a contributor to a better Nation. Don’t just be an active critique, observer or an evaluator. Resolve yourself to be a serious contributor in strong ECD. Remember the ORGANISATION ordained for foundational lying of human development is the FAMILY. What if you are in charge of children in your Nation – which type of NGOs will you grant permission to operate more widely?; Family focused NGOs or child focused NGOs
REFERENCES; (This section is incomplete)
Child Family, School, Community Socialization and Support
Robert M. Berns Saddle College
University California
Harcourt Publisher 2001
Infants Children and Adolescents; Berk Laura, 1999; Printed in United States
Child Growth and Development II, 2009, Njagi B. Edith LONGHORN Publishers -
Why Invest in Children – Children Agenda 2013
Online sources; Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children – Tanzania- MCDGC – website;

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